Organhaus【08.05开幕】断乳 Weaning / 陈泥耳 Chen Ni'er
断乳 Weaning
艺术家/ARTIST:陈泥耳 Chen Ni'er
主办 Organizer:Organhaus/吾善艺术中心
开幕时间/Opening Date
2022/08.05(周五 Fri.) 19:30-21:30
(逢星期一闭馆,预约看展/ Close on Monday)
Weaning was indeed an exhibition prepared for departure. Weaning stands for where I am currently: blockage, giving up, and rebirth. At the end of August, I will be leaving Chongqing for a new life in Berlin. This would be my first time to leave my parents, friends, and my hometown for a distant city.
《划得再快的船也挽留不住风》,硫酸纸综合材料,220cm x 78cm,2020年
Looking back on my fourteen years in Huangjueping, it was real and filled with genuineness. To me, Huangjueping was like the Berlin of Chongqing: free and flexible, native and international, poor and sexy, just the ways I like. Back then, I stumbled upon this place, with the intention to do art and to teach myself art. However, now I must leave, it seems that to hold an exhibition “in the name of art” would allow me to carry it through to an end. It would also be a perfectly natural way to look back at the beginnings and having an end.
This exhibition has no intentional art curation. Perhaps, it is already a huge curation in itself, an ongoing performance art.
《留步2》系列,纸本水彩,24cm x 32cm,2022年
This summer is like no others: I got married, moved and was out of electricity. My studio has been out of electricity inexplicably for almost two months now. Originally, I had planned to display my works and my “Huangjueping difter's life” in the studio I had been renting for fourteen years. Those nights when I voluntarily gave up entertainment, where did Ni’er disappear to?
既然工作室一片漆黑,我就得找个有光的地方做展览。这时老朋友“器.haus 空间”和吾善艺术中心愿意给我提供帮助,联合出品我的个展项目,真是雪中送炭。
Since my studio was pitch-dark, I had to find a place with light to hold the exhibition. Luckily, Organhaus and Wushan Art Centre are willing to help me, so that I have this opportunity to present the exhibition. Many thanks to them!
Let’s look at my works then. In the past two or three years, I have painted a lot of paper-based works. I also enjoyed experimenting with different materials including papers and cloths, improvisation paintings, installations, videos. I even created tens of meters of graffiti notes on canvas and tracing paper. Of course, there will also be some works from my earlier years when I was obsessed with oil on canvas and mixed materials. Without exception, all works were products of improvisation. Improvisation is pretty much the only way I create things - occasional, erroneous, wonderful, and varied – it is all these things, just like my current presence.
《陶瓷》系列,纸本丙烯 58cm x 38cm,2022年
Regrettably, till today, I have yet to create a standalone music-related work with sounds. Yet in fact, music has always helped me. Like a bowl of bone broth, it melts into my feelings without any sounds, allows me to pick up a brush and paint, that's it.
If you were to say that I do not worry about the future and the distant, that would be a big fat lie, but this sentence redeems me: "There will always be errors."
断乳,断电。心理,物理不谋而合。8月5日晚 我站在明亮那方等你来看展~
Weaning, power outage – it is as if the mental and the physical coincided with each other. On the evening of August 5th, I will be where there is light, waiting for you to come see my exhibition.
《神的孩子都在跳舞》,综合材料,150 x 120cm ,2010
艺术家 、电台音乐节目主持人
OrganhausArt Space
地址/Address:重庆市 九龙坡区黄桷坪126号501基地1楼 器·Haus空间 /
1st floor, 501 Art Base, 126#Huangjueping Street, Jiulongpo Region, Chongqing, China